Meet the Team: Chris Krummrich

by | May 16, 2024

Get to know Chris better with our little Q&A, below, and check out his bio on our Who We Are page.

What is one seemingly small thing that brings you joy?

Being able to go exercise. It’s hard sometimes to find the motivation to go and do something physically taxing, but every time I’m feeling sluggish, I remind myself of how lucky I am to be able to move freely and have the choice to do what I want with my body.

What is your favorite part of each day? 

I’ve always enjoyed the hour-ish of time before I go to sleep. It usually entails me in bed scrolling through my phone and decompressing from the day — but once I put my phone down, I love to reflect on things until I fall asleep and am very intentional about what goes through my head. I guess it’s kind of like meditating, or just a different way of counting sheep, but that time has become something I value a lot. It’s the way that I keep myself present and it also provides me uninterrupted time to figure out stuff that I’ve been sitting on.

Who inspires you? 

Both of my parents have greatly inspired me. My mother immigrated here from Ecuador by herself at 23, and my dad moved here at 18 after leaving his small hometown in Illinois — both in pursuit of new opportunities. Although the odds were against them finding any success, they were able to make so many things possible for me and I am forever grateful for that. They embolden me to dream big, take risks and to make every day count.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? 

Tackle your hardest or least favorite tasks in the morning when your brain is best prepared to do so. I have found this to be very helpful!

What is one thing that you have recently learned or changed your mind about? 

Growing up, I always thought the Beatles were “overhyped.” After playing in a band and writing music of my own for 7 years, I finally did a deep-dive of their discography because I felt like it was a rite of passage to true musicianship. Now, I think they’re underappreciated!

What does success look like for you in your role at AFF? 

Fostering mutually beneficial relationships with partners and helping them to amplify the good work they are already doing.

What is your top-used gif? 

Surprised Pikachu