Who We Support

All Access Arts – Arts in School

Arts Council of Oklahoma City

Award Date: July 27, 2020
Awarded: $5,000

Arts Council Oklahoma City (ACOKC) is dedicated to bringing the arts and the community together through free or low-cost, large-scale downtown Oklahoma City cultural events and a variety of arts outreach activities that impact under-served populations. By focusing on teaching, learning, and appreciating the arts, our events and programs help the community learn to create, experience, and enjoy art. ACOKC’s All Access Arts (AAA) programming is strategically planned to include under-served or under-represented populations in its outreach efforts.

AAA’s Arts in Schools (AIS) initiative is dedicated to providing high-quality arts education to children, many of whom attend schools that cannot implement the arts in their curriculum due to factors such as budget cuts or geographic location. Approximately 4,000 children across 16 sites benefit from this programming each year. AIS provides visual and dance teaching artists to select schools and community agencies based on what a school is lacking in their district arts allocations. AIS helps provide these students a therapeutic and healthy outlet to express themselves while their parents get the support they need to create a better life.