Who We Support

Annual Fall Forum

Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy

Award Date: October 16, 2024
Awarded: $2,500

Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy's (OICA) mission is creating awareness, taking action, and supporting policy to improve the health, safety, and well-being of Oklahoma's children. OICA works directly with lawmakers to sponsor policy or legislation changes. The agency also works directly with the public to inform and educate citizens on how to and why to advocate for children in Oklahoma. OICA accomplishes this through programs like Fall Forum, Legislative Learning Lab, and Advocacy Boot Camp. Fall Forum is a policy summit on issues facing Oklahoma youth and children. This year's Fall Forum will focus on the key issues of hunger impacting Oklahoma families, issues facing foster and bridge families, youth medical, dental, and mental health policy, and the well-being of students in school settings. The forum will include lawmakers and agency heads for discussion on issues and solutions.