Who We Support

ASPCA Behavioral Rehabilitation Center


Award Date: December 15, 2015
Awarded: $750,000

To meet the significant needs of extremely fearful and under socialized dogs, the ASPCA opened a groundbreaking Behavioral Rehabilitation Center in Madison, NJ in 2013. This innovative facility develops and implements specialized behavior modification protocols to help dogs overcome their tremendous fear. They learn to become comfortable being a pet, including interacting with humans, going outdoors and walking on a leash.

Over the next two years, the ASPCA will focus on completing their in-depth research and preparing to share the wealth of information they have collected on rehabilitating this special population of dogs with other animal welfare professionals. Building on the success and lessons learned, they are constructing a new, stand-alone, state-of-the-art facility in Weaverville, NC dedicated to this intensive, lifesaving work.

This new center, scheduled to open in 2017, will also serve as a place for individuals and agencies to learn how to rehabilitate extremely fearful and under socialized dogs. In this way, they will exponentially increase their impact and save more lives.