Who We Support

Emergency Litigation Fund

Center for Reproductive Rights

Award Date: March 10, 2017
Awarded: $15,000

For more than 20 years, the Center for Reproductive Rights has used the law to advance reproductive freedom as a fundamental human right that all governments are legally obligated to protect, respect, and fulfill. Reproductive freedom lies at the heart of the promise of human dignity, self-determination and equality embodied in both the U.S. Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Center works toward the time when that promise is enshrined in law in the United States and throughout the world. Over the next four years, the courts will be a critical check and balance on the executive and legislative branches. The Center for Reproductive Rights will use all of their resources to bring the full force of the Constitution and the law to bear in strategically defending hard won gains and safeguarding access to reproductive healthcare.