Who We Support

Family Treatment Court Sustainability Project

Citizens for Juvenile Justice

Award Date: October 3, 2019
Awarded: $7,500

Citizens for Juvenile Justice (CJJ) is a non-profit citizens advisory committee established to aid in the more effective administration of the law relating to youth. CJJ provides counsel, advice, and assistance to the Oklahoma County Juvenile Bureau (OCJB) for the purpose of enhancing services to at-risk youth, in part by applying for grants to help fund projects and programs that will benefit the community and the cause of juvenile justice.

Family Treatment Court is a juvenile or family court docket that have identified where parental substance abuse is a primary factor. A multi-disciplinary team consisting of judges, attorneys, child welfare services and treatment personnel collaborate to provide evidence-based infant and early childhood mental health services, family counseling and substance abuse treatment with the goal of increasing family safety and positive relationships between child and caregiver to prevent the cycle of stress, addiction, abuse and trauma.