Who We Support

HERE (Highlighting Expungement & Rehabilitative Excellence)

Urban League of Greater Oklahoma City

Award Date: May 18, 2023
Awarded: $45,208.16

Urban League of Greater OKC (ULOKC) hosted its annual Expungement Expo on June 25, 2022, in partnership with public officials and legal representatives, to officially seal the records of eligible clients. Clients were assisted in completing expungement applications, creating email addresses, receiving background checks from the OSBI and more. Over 800 applied for the expungement program and were screened for eligibility by staff and pro bono attorneys. After this process, there were 143 eligible clients which were assigned a ULOKC case manager to assist them in navigating through education, workforce training, employment, and housing resources. This grant will help complete the expungement process for these clients.

The Arnall Community Funds are administered through Oklahoma City Community Foundation (OCCF) and provide grants to nonprofit organizations throughout the state of Oklahoma that are working to improve outcomes for individuals, children and families involved with animal welfare and in the child welfare and criminal justice systems​. The OCCF staff manages the grant administration process and all grantmaking decisions are made by OCCF Trustees.