Who We Support

Homeless Prevention for Families

Upward Transitions

Award Date: May 18, 2023
Awarded: $250,000
Arnall Community Fund Award

The mission of Upward Transitions is to prevent generational poverty through community collaboration, emergency relief, and empowerment, therefore inspiring hope with our neighbors experiencing housing instability. The Upward Transitions Community Outreach Program provides emergency relief, case management, and direct services to address the issues of homelessness and families facing eviction. These services and financial bridges are effective at removing barriers to obtaining or preserving housing and moving people beyond their immediate crisis. Upward Transitions uses a strengths-based case management model in which case managers focus on empowering clients and their families and encourage the clients to take the lead in identifying their own needs. This funding will expand their services and allow more focus on families with children to increase housing stability and divert or end DHS Child Welfare involvement.

The Arnall Community Funds are administered through Oklahoma City Community Foundation (OCCF) and provide grants to nonprofit organizations throughout the state of Oklahoma that are working to improve outcomes for individuals, children and families involved with animal welfare and in the child welfare and criminal justice systems. The OCCF staff will manage the grant administration process and all grantmaking decisions will be made by OCCF Trustees. Learn more about the process.