Who We Support

Horse Rehoming to Certified Riding Instructors and Accredited Equine Facilities

Certified Horsemanship Association

Award Date: September 13, 2017
Awarded: $14,000

Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) completed a member survey in 2016 and found that one of their members’ biggest needs right now is finding good school horses for their lesson programs. Their members’ primary concerns about purchasing a rehomed horse from a facility are: not having enough information on the horse’s background, making sure that the horse is ready for a beginner to ride, and lastly, not having the funds to ship the horse from a different state or another part of a large state. Through a collaborative partnership with Colorado State University and Dumb Friends League Harmony Equine Center CHA programs will have access to a large group of horses in transition. Through this pilot program Dumb Friends League Harmony Equine Center will assess horses as candidates for training and Colorado State University students will be assigned qualifying horses for training.