Who We Support
New Psychiatric Hospital in Oklahoma City
Healthy Minds Healthy Lives Foundation
Award Date: February 16, 2023
Awarded: $5,000,000
Founded in 2015, Healthy Minds Healthy Lives Foundation disseminates funds directly to the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) to help expand mental health and addiction programming offered statewide. This new state-of-the-art facility will house a psychiatric residency program and expand the capacity to serve Oklahomans in need of psychiatric treatment by adding an additional 100 beds to the existing capacity in the state. This facility will be centrally located by major interstates with access to public transit, which will reduce the burden on law enforcement to transport urban patients and reduce the administrative burden for state operations. The hospital will also partner with OSU-OKC for behavioral health workforce development. Construction is estimated to begin in January 2024 and be completed by December 2025.
The Arnall Community Funds are administered through Oklahoma City Community Foundation (OCCF) and provide grants to nonprofit organizations throughout the state of Oklahoma that are working to improve outcomes for individuals, children and families involved with animal welfare and in the child welfare and criminal justice systems. The OCCF staff manages the grant administration process and all grantmaking decisions are made by OCCF Trustees.