Who We Support
Oklahoma County Functional Family Therapy Expansion
The Oklahoma Office of Juvenile Affairs (OJA) serves as the state juvenile justice agency. OJA is responsible for programs and services for juveniles alleged or adjudicated to be delinquent or in need of supervision. OJA, along with its community partners, provides prevention, education, and treatment services for at-risk and juvenile justice-involved youth throughout Oklahoma. This funding expands Functional Family Therapy (FFT) available to families and youth in OJA custody or under OJA supervision so that it is accessible to all juvenile justice-involved youth and families in Oklahoma County.
The Arnall Community Funds are administered through Oklahoma City Community Foundation (OCCF) and provide grants to nonprofit organizations throughout the state of Oklahoma that are working to improve outcomes for individuals, children and families involved with animal welfare and in the child welfare and criminal justice systems. The OCCF staff manages the grant administration process and all grantmaking decisions are made by OCCF Trustees.