Who We Support

Operating Support


Award Date: September 14, 2020
Awarded: $10,000

Thrive’s mission is to build a movement to improve sexual health outcomes for youth with the vision to create a culture in which opportunities for youth to pursue education, careers and well-being are not limited by teen pregnancy. Oklahoma’s teen birth rate is among the top five highest in the nation, which means that it has one of the highest teen birth rates in the developed world.

Oklahoma County consistently has the highest number of teen births in the state. Teen pregnancy is inextricably linked to many other social and economic issues – impacting multiple generations. Early pregnancy can limit the educational and job opportunities available for many teen parents. Over time, high rates of teen births can contribute to generational cycles of poverty and higher risks of negative health, social and economic outcomes for teen parents and their children. Our data show significant disparities in local teen birth rates by geography and other demographic factors – the issue disproportionately impacts already vulnerable populations. Research shows that delaying parenting until adulthood can provide greater opportunities for education and employment for youth – resulting in a healthier, more vibrant, flourishing community. Youth in central Oklahoma have told us they want to be independent, productive adults and they understand that teen pregnancy can pose a barrier to that goal. In response, we will provide the information, resources, and engagement that help teens achieve their dreams and transition into successful adulthood.