Who We Support
Pedal 4 PE
The leading causes of death in Oklahoma are heart disease, cancer, injuries, stroke and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The age-adjusted death rates for each are significantly higher than the nation as a whole. Unfortunately, the children who live, play, and go to school in the state of Oklahoma are developing unhealthy behaviors that lead to many of the health problems of our adult population. These risky behaviors include tobacco use, unhealthy dietary habits, inadequate physical activity and not practicing safety. In response to these factors, Healthy Schools Oklahoma (HSOK) was initiated in 1997 through the auspices of the Oklahoma County Medical Society Foundation. Founding partners include the Oklahoma State Department of Health, Oklahoma City Public Schools and the Oklahoma City-County Health Department. It is HSOK’s intention to improve public health by teaching our citizens about the value of healthy living and demonstrating how healthy lifestyles can be achieved throughout a lifetime.