Who We Support

SAFE House Capital Campaign

Sisu Youth Services

Award Date: August 25, 2021
Awarded: $300,000

Sisu Youth provides shelter and care to homeless and at-risk youth in the Oklahoma City metro area through three main program components - emergency shelter, case management, and a drop-in resource center. Sisu Youth Services acquired property with the intent to renovate the existing building into a dedicated and custom-built hub for youth and young adults experiencing homelessness. Through an emergency overnight shelter and a drop-in resource center, Sisu staff and volunteers will provide shelter, care, case management, and coordinated services in partnership with local agencies embedded onsite. This expansion will double the current space, allowing them to add four additional permanent beds, more laundry and showers, a full kitchen, and a comprehensive resource hub that will remove the transportation barrier which currently makes it difficult for youth to access the services they need.

The Arnall Community Funds are administered through Oklahoma City Community Foundation (OCCF) and provide grants to nonprofit organizations throughout the state of Oklahoma that are working to improve outcomes for individuals, children and families involved with animal welfare and in the child welfare and criminal justice systems​. The OCCF staff manages the grant administration process and all grantmaking decisions are made by OCCF Trustees.