Who We Support CarePortal Global Orphan Project Award Date: May 1, 2020 Awarded: $10,000 Visit Website CarePortal is a web-based and mobile platform that exists to help connect and support children and families in need with people and resources that can make a...
Alternatives to Foster Care
Who We Support Alternatives to Foster Care CREOKS Mental Health Services Award Date: May 1, 2020 Awarded: $15,000 Visit Website The CREOKS Behavioral Health Children’s team provides confidential outpatient services for youth and adolescents up to age 25, in their...
Virtual Visitation
Who We Support Virtual Visitation Muskogee Organization Narcotic & Alcohol Referral Counseling Help (Monarch) Award Date: May 1, 2020 Awarded: $10,000 Visit Website Monarch serves pregnant women, women and women with children who suffer from substance abuse in an...