Homelessness Resources


Eviction, Court & Legal Resources

The Early Settlement Mediation Programs  

Mediation is a voluntary process whereby two or more disputants arrive at a mutually acceptable solution with the help of a neutral party. Mediators assist both parties in negotiating and solving their problems. For more information in Oklahoma County, visit https://osuokc.edu/mediation

To find a mediator in other counties, click here.

Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma

Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma is a non-profit law firm. They provide access to the legal system, which they believe is as important as food, shelter and clothing. They provide free legal services to eligible low-income people and senior citizens.

888-534-5243  Service/Intake
405-521-1302  Existing Clients Alternate Service/Intake
855-488-6814  Older Adults Alternate Service/Intake

Metropolitan Fair Housing Council

The Fair Housing Council of Oklahoma is a private nonprofit fair housing agency dedicated to the elimination of housing discrimination. MFHC provides counselors to help individuals determine whether housing discrimination has occurred and helps victims learn their fair housing rights under the Fair Housing Act.

312 NE 28th Street Ste 112   Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Main Phone 405-232-3247

Changes to the Landlord Tenant Act November 2022:

New updates to the Act will give renters a faster turnaround time when needing essential repairs to the space they’re living in. In the modified law, tenants may notify their landlord in writing about what repairs are needed to the property, at the landlord’s expense.

For the full story, click here


OKLaw is a joint project with Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc., Oklahoma Indian Legal Services, the Legal Services Corporation and Pro Bono Net. Their goal is to provide the public with easy internet access to basic legal information and legal resources in Oklahoma.
